
What's New in HandsHQ: June 2024

June 25, 2024

June 25, 2024

Customer Success Manager

Our customer-exclusive webinar took place on the 25th June at 11am.

In this customer-exclusive webinar, our Customer Success team will showcase the latest updates, and developments at HandsHQ, to help you utilise all of the fantastic features available to you. You’ll also have a chance to check out our other software (if you’re not familiar with it yet) and ask the team any questions.

Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover in our 20 minute webinar:

  1. The all-new RAMS analytics dashboard!
  2. New Training Register features: Teams, Reporting and Custom eLearning courses
  3. General system improvements
  4. What we’re working on next in 2024
  5. TR integration for our RAMS-only customers
  6. Q&A with the customer success team

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