Risk Assessment Tools

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Trusted by 1,500+ companies, big and small

The most trusted risk assessment software for high-risk work

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Less hassle

Create better RAMS in less time, anywhere and on any device, without the need for training or technical expertise.

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Improve your reputation

Professional-looking, consistent RAMS that can stand out from the competition and win you more work

Illustration - more time for other things

More time for other things

RAMS shouldn’t take hours and hours of formatting, copy-and-pasting

Screenshot of product - sequences of operations

Ease of use

Create better RAMS in less time, anywhere and on any device, without the need for training or technical expertise. Our Customer success team will onboard and assist you from day one if you have any questions or need any support.

Content library

Use the HandsHQ library of risk assessments, which covers all specialist contractor activities including electrical, plumbing, HVAC and more.

Find out more
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Professional documents

Take advantage of well-structured documents that are quick and easy to read.


Screenshot of product - training register

Training Register

Integrate RAMS with Training Register to pull through training and competency records to your projects.

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Integrate with other software you use such as Teams, Sharepoint or any other software with an API.

Illustration - Procore integration


Link your HandsHQ and Procore accounts to have high-quality RAMS documents accessible in Procore projects.

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Try HandsHQ for free for 14 days

Risk Assessment Tools for SMEs: Ensuring Safety and Compliance

Risk assessment tools, also known as RAMS tools or RAMS software, are invaluable resources for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to effectively identify, assess, and manage potential hazards in the workplace. These tools play a vital role in ensuring the health and safety of employees, contractors and visitors alike, while also helping businesses comply with industry regulations. By implementing comprehensive and user-friendly risk assessment tools, SMEs can mitigate risks, reduce incidents and injuries and protect themselves from costly litigation and reputational damage. 

One of the key benefits of RAMS tools is the ease of use and accessibility they offer. Many of these tools create RAMS documents in a variety available in user-friendly formats such as PDFs, which can be easily shared by SMEs and are viewable across a range of devices, without compromising formatting or function. 

Risk assessment tools can be essential for SMEs across all industries and sizes. Risk assessment tools allow SMEs to significantly improve their workplace safety standards, while meeting legal requirements. Using RAMS software can provide a solid foundation for creating a safe working environment, reducing liability exposure, protecting the organisation's reputation, and fostering future growth prospects. Regularly updating and reviewing risk assessments as part of an ongoing commitment to best practices in health and safety is crucial for SMEs to maintain a safe working environment and ensure long-term success; which RAMS software also allows for. Implementing RAMS tools is an investment in the well-being of employees and the overall success of the business.

The Ease of Use and Accessibility of Risk Assessment Tools

One of the key benefits of risk assessment tools is the ease of use and accessibility they offer. Many of these tools create RAMS documents in user-friendly formats such as PDFs, which can be easily shared by SMEs and are viewable across a range of devices, without compromising formatting or function. This user-friendly interface ensures that even those without extensive I.T  knowledge can effectively utilise RAMS tools to enhance workplace safety.

Risk Assessment Tools: A Necessity Across Industries

Risk assessment tools can be essential for SMEs across all industries and sizes. Whether you're running a construction business, a manufacturing plant, an event business, facilities management or M&E, risk assessment tools allow SMEs to significantly improve their workplace safety standards while meeting legal requirements. These tools provide a solid foundation for creating a safe working environment, reducing liability exposure, protecting the organisation's reputation, and fostering future growth prospects.

Continuous Improvement with RAMS Software

Regularly updating and reviewing risk assessments is a legal requirement across all industries, but is equally as important as part of an ongoing moral commitment to best practices in health and safety. Using RAMS software as a tool allows SMEs to maintain a safe working environment and ensure long-term success; which RAMS software also allows for. Implementing risk assessment tools can serve as a valuable investment in the well-being of employees and the overall success of the business.

Customisation and Scalability

One notable feature of modern risk assessment tools is their ability to customise RAMS documents according to the specific needs of the business, or the project at hand. This means risk assessments can be tailored to unique industry or project requirements and the nature of business operations. Moreover, these tools are often scalable, allowing for the expansion of your safety protocols as your SME grows. This adaptability ensures that risk assessment procedures remain effective even as the business evolves.

Global Perspective on Risk Assessment

It's essential to recognise that risk assessment practices can vary on a global scale. Different countries and regions may have distinct regulations and standards. Understanding these differences and tailoring risk assessment processes to comply with local requirements is crucial, especially if an SME operates internationally. Risk assessment tools facilitate the flexibility to work across regions, or on a smaller scale, across teams, business units and divisions. 

ROI of Risk Assessment Tools

Investing in RAMS tools is an investment in your SME's future. Beyond ensuring safety and compliance, risk assessment tools can yield a substantial return on investment. Fewer incidents mean reduced downtime, lower insurance premiums, and enhanced productivity and morale  Use HandsHQ’s RAMS calculator, to see how much creating RAMS is costing you.

Challenges in Implementation

While the advantages of risk assessment tools are clear, it's important to acknowledge that their successful implementation can come with challenges. These challenges may include resistance to change among employees, initial setup costs, and t integrating this into a process going forward. However, understanding these challenges and proactively addressing them can lead to smoother integration and long-term benefits.

Collaborative Risk Assessment

Another aspect of risk assessment tools worth considering is their role in promoting collaborative risk assessment. These tools often allow multiple stakeholders within your SME to contribute to the risk assessment process. This collaborative approach not only improves the accuracy of risk identification but also fosters a culture of safety and shared responsibility and accountability among employees.

Risk assessment tools are indispensable for SMEs seeking to enhance workplace safety, comply with regulations, and prosper in their respective industries. The ease of use and accessibility of these tools, their customisability, and their scalability make them an ideal choice for SMEs of all sizes and sectors.

As we've explored various aspects of risk assessment tools, from their role in continuous improvement to their adaptability in a global context and their potential challenges, it's evident that these tools empower SMEs to safeguard their employees and reputation while fostering growth. Furthermore, with ongoing employee training and an eye on future trends and changing practices, SMEs can maximise the benefits of risk assessment tools and achieve a significant return on investment (ROI).

In a world where safety and compliance are paramount, risk assessment tools stand as essential companions for SMEs, guiding them towards a safer, more secure, and more prosperous future.

Start creating better RAMS in less time today, with HandsHQ’s risk assessment tool.